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If your firm needs to deal with personal information, where do you turn to for help and advice? It is your duty to make sure that your clients’ confidential data is kept in storage, but where do you go for assistance?

Help is at hand from the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) website.  The site offers a comprehensive reference document on security breaches for professionals.

Part of the guidance states that ‘organisations which process personal data must take appropriate measures against unauthorised or unlawful processing, and against accidental loss, destruction of, or damage to personal data’.

But if the worst does happen, the ICO website sets out some of the things an organisation needs to consider in the event of a security breach, as well as highlighting the importance of file storage. It also offers information on containment and recovery during a security breach; assessing the risks and notification of breaches advising you on how to deal with almost every eventuality.

Adopting a policy on dealing with a data security breach may be part of that process, but for many organisations prevention is, of course, far better than a cure.


That’s why finding a trustworthy company is essential when it comes to looking after personal sensitive data in the long term.

Using Lakeside Storage means that data is secure and safe from natural disasters from the moment it is collected , as well as other potential compromises such as loss or theft of data.

A breach of data security can happen for any number of reasons from data loss or theft, equipment failure, human error and computer hacking, to accidents such as fire or flood.

By eliminating these scenarios, corporations can rest assured that all their data is being looked after appropriately in record storage; there can be no chance of a compromise in security.

Lakeside Storage even vets its staff to ensure complete confidentiality right through the process from start to finish.


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